Camps / bootcamp Coaching

Camps and bootcamps are great starter programs for people to get comfortable with our fitness training style and to work alongside others that will encourage and motivate you. Camps and bootcamps are  a great way to build CAMARADERIE. 


In order to have impact, we need to make a connection. The first step is connecting with your trainer. Telling him your likes & dislikes and showing him your desire to grow.  


& Grind

Connection © 2015 | All Rights Reserved | Created by mason robinson

WE Offer

As a team member, we will continue to push your limits. Our workouts are grueling, but our attitudes are relatable. We coach you to your personal best. 

Team & Group Training

Team & Group Training for coaches, organizations, managers, etc. who are seeking an advantage for their team or companies In Need of an energy boost for the members in their office.

*Bringing energy to the wonderful team at Art Of Strength gym and Radio hosts of 99.1

4-Step Process

We aren't satisfied with early success. We don't give up after small results. We GRIND until trained behavior becomes instinct.

persistent Success

Our warm up is just the beginning. This is when we test your functional movements and test your limits while maintaining an upbeat attitude as we progress.

Personal Training

There are Several forms of private lessons for fitness and athletics. Each is geared to stay exclusive and focus on the techniques of each individual.Fitness trainingis for those of all ages and Athletic training is specific to athletes.

Warm Up

work with us and see our

*Session with jeff Boss. Former Special forces operator of devgru (seal team 6).

*Speed Training with the young ladies of the I AM camp!! from k-5
